Journal Information

  • Keywords: nursing, history


The Nursing History Review is the leading journal for historians of nursing and health care. The official journal of the American Association for the History of Nursing, the NHR publishes peer-reviewed primary-sourced manuscripts that analyze events and actors in nursing and health care history. For three decades the Review has published hundreds of articles, contributing to the expanding knowledge base for the nursing discipline and shedding light on how historical events shape contemporary health care issues.

The NHR can serve as a resource for professors of nursing today. It contains a section titled “Past as Prologue,” in which authors analyze how we can learn from the past. A recent article compared the 1918 influenza pandemic to the COVID-19 pandemic we continue to face today. Another section of the journal, “Hidden in Plain Sight,” analyzes historical findings by examining the intersectionality of race, class, and gender. This section highlights contributions of minority nurses long ignored in the profession’s history and offers their unique perspectives on events.

For more information and access to all issues of Nursing History Review, visit