This is a lighthearted story of identical twin girls growing up in a small town in West Texas in the days of World War II and rationing, when the automobile was in its early days and before television, computers, and cellphones had been invented. They were able to have fun fooling others about their identity, but they also succeeded academically in a way that allowed them to prepare for separate careers as adults. As Fulbright scholars in Germany, they developed a great curiosity about how other cultures lived. Later, one twin traveled with her husband and taught throughout the world, meeting royalty and rogues along the way. The other twin went into health research with her husband and served on many national committees of the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Academy of Sciences. As adult women living separate lives, they had the fun of being mistaken for each other in humorous situations. For Roberta and Rogene, being a twin is a great and glorious life!